We have just been busy enjoying life. These pictures are from Mothers Day and it was a really good day. My kids got me a recordable card and Kaylee recorded a message in it for me. It brought tears to my eyes and pulled at my heartstrings. It was the best present of the day. If you know my Kaylee she is a very sweet, loving, innocent little girl who thinks everyone is as good as gold. I don't ever want her to know any different but that is not quite how life works unfortunately. Kaylee is done with soccer and it was a success. It toke her a little time to get warmed up at the games but once things got going she was right in there with the others kids. Eric and I were proud of her because she is very shy and she did better than we thought. I think we will play this fall as well. Spencer is trying to walk. He can he just doesn't realize it. If he would just let go of everything he pushes around he would realize he is walking. He can stand up in the middle of the floor and stand up without holding onto anything. So we shall see in the next couple weeks if he gets brave or not. He loves to sing and we can't understand a thing that comes our of his mouth but we know he loves to talk. Spencer is a very busy little boy very curious about things with buttons like the computer, telephone and remotes. He also loves to get in my cabinets. At the end of the day I feel like the only thing I have accomplished is that I kept my house from falling apart and Spencer from hurting his self from everything he gets into. This summer we are going to go swimming and do lots of playing. I love being with my kids everyday it can get crazy but it is where I want to be. Eric is busy at work as usual but he is working a lot less and we keep him busy at home. Nothing new in our lives just the everyday stuff like everyone else. Our vacation was good. Eric and I had a really good time and can't wait to go on another. We both agreed we a looking forward to taking our kids with us. We loved getting away just the two of us it was well deserved for Eric. He is so good to his family. Working at the job he has so I can be home with the kids and coming home and doing what ever he needs for the family and never saying a word. He is a great husband, father. Andy and Erin we here over Memorial Day weekend and they were doing well. They we glad to see the kids as usual and we all had a really good visit. Moved Amanda over the weekend as well. She is now homeless. She will be leaving for Japan in about 3 weeks. We are now getting ready for a benefit yard sale that we will be having in Cabool on June 6th. Everyone has been so nice to donate their things therefore there is going to be alot prep work. Busy, Busy, Busy. Goodbye for now!
Spiritual Battle
9 years ago
Love the pics! They're growing so fast!