Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting over the flu

Well Spenc had the flu for the 1st time. It was the stomach kind. He got it on Monday while we were in Houston and he is just now finally getting over it. I hate having the flu with a baby because they can't tell you anything so therefor you never know when they will get sick. So I sat with him in my lap with old towels around us for most of the afternoon on Monday. So far no one else has gotten it so keep your fingers crossed. That could be due to the 2 bottles of rubbing alcohol that my Mom and I sprayed in a 2 day period. All is well in the Maxwell household. Kaylee is at Parents Day Out right now so Spencer and I are getting some stuff done got up around the house. I am going to start watching a sweet little baby boy on Feb. 16th for 2 days a week so I have to stay got up. Goodbye for today.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, Jaden had sort of the same thing last week; he woke up Monday morning early with it; that's always fun to wake up to your child retching in the next room. I don't think I've ever changed so many diapers; at one point, I even called Dan because I just had a mess everywhere and didn't even know what to do.:)LOL Not fun! So far, the rest of us were ok, though. (Knock on wood). I'm glad Spencer is better. One question, does spraying rubbing alcohol really work? Do you just spray it undiluted? I may try that.
